This article is relevant for SAM version 6024 and above. 
Click HERE for details on how to check which version you have.

Xero batches error:

Invoice not of valid status for modification

This document cannot be edited as it has a payment or credit note allocated to it.

This is caused by the invoice number already existing in Xero

1. Find the correct invoice number

The bell Icon will show a number - hopefully this is 1 - click on this to view the batches

Look in the "Invoice No" column (1)

2. Credit the invoice

See this article on how to credit an invoice:

[SAM] How to credit an invoice.

3. Change the "Next Job:" number

In SAM go to Maintenance > System Setup > General

Change Next Job to a number higher than what already exists in Xero

4. Re-do the invoice

Re-create the job and invoice again

5. Flag the unposted batches

Follow this article on how to Flag batches

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