Crediting an invoice is necessary at times, this could be either to issue a refund or to correct mistakes (you are unable to edit a job that has been invoiced)

For Split Invoices with an excess - see "Crediting a split invoice with an Excess"


1. Find the invoice

Click on Invoice enquiry (1), select the Invoice that needs crediting (2) and then click on Credit Invoice

2. Issue Credit

Partial Credits

Delete what you DONT want to credit

Make sure that the amount in RED is correct, then issue Credit

A Job will be created when you click on Issue Credit 



All Parts "CRC BRAKLEEN -600G" and 1 Hour (10 units) of labour to be credited 

1. Highlight the FANBELT and Delete (4).

2. Highlight the labour and Modify (5).

In this example we can see that we have 10 units of Labour (1 Hour) and the part left in the Credit Invoice window

Make sure that the amount in RED (2) is correct, then issue Credit (6)


After this a Job is created.

Full Credits

Make sure that the amount in RED (2) is correct, then issue Credit (6)


Once you have issued the Credit the transactions CANNOT BE CREDITED AGAIN

A Job will be created when you click on Issue Credit

3. Invoice the Job

It is HIGHLY recommended NOT to change edit or add anything to the job
This is due to Auditing purposes

Invoice the Job (1)

The Description (2) has "Credit for Invoice..." in it - this references the original Invoice

The original Invoice will have a reference to the Credit Invoice as well

What happens in the background with the transactions?


The Technicians productivity will be affected as the Labour will have a credit transaction.


The Stock on-hand will INCREASE


The Ordered items will be automatically returned to Supplier

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