Creating and copying check sheets for SmartCheck Add-on

Once an Administrator User (with a password) and Company have been created and supplied to you go to. Go to:

If you would like to have this Add-on please follow this link and we will be in contact soon.


Once logged in using your admin user account, click on Checksheets

Before creating checksheets, we recommend you set up your 'Failed Reasons' These are needed when your staff process a checksheet, so they can define why the current check/test has failed, and are not automatically added to checksheets you have created previously.
See: [SAM/Orion] SmartCheck - Set Up Failed Reasons

Create a Checksheet

Log in using your admin user account, and click on Checksheets

  • Click on New to create a new checksheet

Checksheet General Details tab

  1. Company: Should be pre-filled - make sure it is correct
  2. Name: Enter the name of the checksheet
  3. Enter the Checksheet code
  4. Creates Followups: If this is ticked you will be able to run a follow-up in SAM or Orion as a group based on this followup
  5. The Type is split into three:
    1. Asset: Check will be done on a Vehicle/Item
    2. Job: Check will be done on a workshop Job
    3. Customer: As at 25/04/2020 not available
  6. Default Answer: This is what will be used when creating Questions see Checksheet Answers below for further information on them.
  7. Active From: St a specific date range for the Checksheet, or leave it open-ended (never-ending)
  8. Enter Notes about the Checksheet if needed

Checksheet Sections tab 

You are only able to Add (1), Modify (2) or Delete (3) a section if the Checksheet has NOT been used

Use the sections tab to break up the Checksheet into seperate pages - see below for a WOF example.

You must have at least one section - this is a mandatory field when adding questions

Anywhere you see the dropdown arrow shown in the call-out labelled "Z" below, this provides the ability to export the displayed list to several file formats.

Enter the Section Name (A), Section Code (B) and Display Order (C) when adding a Section:

Checksheet Login Groups

Here you define if Users belonging to specific Login Groups are able to access this Check Sheet. Users who are not assigned to a login group can access all Check Sheets.

Select the groups individually or use the Select All button.

To read more about Login Groups, see :

[SAM/Orion] SmartCheck - Login Groups

Checksheet Questions tab

Finally getting the questions!! The reason why we are here.

Questions can only be edited in any way (A) if the Checksheet has NOT been used.

If you need to modify a checksheet you have already used, your best option is to duplicate the checksheet, modify the new checksheet and make the original checksheet inactive.

Checksheet Question - General tab

Most of this is pretty self-explanatory, but we'll go through it anyway...

  1. Name the question
  2. Keep the code as logical as possible - in this example it is the 9th question in the Chassis Underbody section = C9
  3. Select the Section for the question - this is a mandatory field
  4. The Display Order is relevant to the current section
  5. Checkboxes:
    1. Each question can also link to a followup. The follow-up code can be different if required, but the code must match a follow-up/fault code in Orion.
      Note: If the General section has been flagged to create follow-ups then every question (when it fails or has a warning) will create a follow-up.
    2. You can also force the person who is filling out the checksheet to fill out a Note if it has failed and/or there is a warning
  6. Default Answer: this is the answer that is displayed by default when filling out the Checksheet, see Checksheet Answers below for further information on them
  7. Notes that can help the person filling out the Checksheet.
  8. Ticking Show Notes will show the notes on the Checksheet form when filling it out.

Checksheet Question - Measurements tab

This is a good example to show how measurements can be used.

In a WOF we will need to take the measurements for the Tyre tread:

  1. They can only be un-ticked if the measurements have NOT been used
  2. Only two are forced due - (since WOF's can be done for Motorbikes!)
  3. Steps can be used
    1. i.e. If you want Whole numbers (1, 2, 3, etc)  then it would be 1

Checksheet Question - Failed Reasons tab

Why would a WOF fail on a tyre tread? Because there isn't enough (ie. "Too low")

Click on Modify to add/change the Failed Reasons suitable for this question

For more detail on how to maintain your Failed Reasons see:

[SAM/Orion] SmartCheck - Set Up Failed Reasons

Deleting / Editing Checksheets

As mentioned earlier, you cannot delete or edit checksheets that have been used previously - this might be a bit of a nuisance but there are technical reasons for this (including audit compliance). However, there are some workarounds that can help you maintain your checksheets...

Instead of Deleting a Checksheet - you can modify the checksheet and tick the 'inactive' box, this hides the checksheet away in an 'inactive' list in your admin login and removes it from the list of available checksheets for your other users:

If you need to Edit a Checksheet - well, you can use the 'Duplicate' button (top-right of the list of checksheets, when logged in as an admin) to duplicate the checksheet, and before anyone uses this new duplicate, you can edit it. Then just make the original checksheet inactive to hide it away...

Question Answers - Icons and their meanings

Each question has 5 different possible responses 

All are valid responses except Blank

You are able to force a Note if the response is either Fail or Warning - see Checksheet Question - General tab

When you're done we recommend testing the check sheet, by selecting the Check Sheet in the checksheet listing and clicking the Test Run button.

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or calling us on 09 583 2455