Login Groups are used to limit certain users' access to specific check sheets and vehicles. This is especially useful if you're providing access to persons outside of your organisation to only access details relevant to their own vehicles/fleet.

Important: WOF inspectors should not be linked to a login group. WOF Checksheets are 'Master Checksheets' and any users that are set to a specific Login Group will not have access to any Master Checksheets. Access to WOF checksheets can be controlled using the 'WOF Form Access' tickbox in the User Setup screen.

To do this you should need to log in to SmartCheck with an admin user account and click Login Groups

This will show the following screen where you can define the Name and unique Group Code for the Login Group:

Select the Sheets tab where you can define which checksheets this Login Group will have access to. Note - when editing and creating checksheets, you can also specify the Login Groups who can access it.

On the Fleet tab, you specify the Fleet/Vehicles/Assets this Login Group will have access to. When modifying an Asset in SmartCheck, you can specify the Login Groups who can access it.

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