Here we can learn how to create a Kit and how to use a Kit in a Job


Kits can be used to post groupings of Labour, Parts, Orders and Text 


Creating a Kit

Go to Maintenance > Kits and click on Insert

The Kit Listing is the starting point for editing and creating a Kit

From here you can also Update the prices after changes in parts/stock and labour rates

Kit Maintenance

  1. Keycode - the unique identifier of the kit
  2. Description - short description of the kit
  3. Summarize on invoice
    1. Tick this if you do not want to have the posting itemised on the job when printing or emailing
    2. It will only show the Description and the total price - handy for WOF's
  4. Postings already on the kit
  5. Add more postings onto the kit
  6. Buttons
    1. Delete - this will delete the highlighted posting
    2. Margins - Check the margins to ensure you are making the correct profit.
    3. Modify Keycode - the can change the keycode of the kit
  7. Change the order of the postings
  8. This can change the Total price up or down one cent

Adding parts and/or Labour to the Kit

Adding parts and Labour to Kits is pretty straight forward

What to take note of are Change on transfer to Job & Retain this Price



Change on Transfer to Job

 Tick this if the technician might change for Labour or the part might change for parts

Another window will pop up allowing you to change some details.

Retain this Price

Tick this if the Price will remain the same

Using a Kit

By Using the Kit button in the Job

Open a job and use the "Job Kit" button

  1. Choose the kit
  2. Enter how many kits will be posted
  3. Set the posting date of the kit
  4. Add to Job
    NB: if there are any postings with a RED code then these are set to change on transfer to Job

Change on transfer to Job in action

Double click on the line to change:

1. The part # and/or quantity2. The technician


Linking with a Job Description

You are able to link a kit to a job description, this means that when you first add a job description at the point of creating a job the Kit will post into the job

Go to maintenance > Job Descriptions, choose the Job Description and change/double click

Click on he Links Tab and search for the Kit by using the Ellipses (box with three dots)


Linking transactions to a Kit

Other transactions in the job can be linked to the kit as well.

This can be beneficial if you only want the customer to see one "kit" transaction - see #3 - summarise on invoice.

  1. Right click over the transaction
  2. Click on the kit

You can also un-select/un-link transactions in the same manner 

Warrant of Fitness Kits

Kits being used for a Warrant of Fitness should have the following set-up attributes:

  • Summarise on Invoice Ticked  - see Kit Maintenance # 3 above
  • Has Text saying: (or something similar)
    Vehicle checked for Warrant of Fitness
    in accordance with Ministry of transport regulations
  • A "WOF" Labour Category should be set-up - see [SAM] - Creating Labour Categories/Rates
    for further information on how to do this
    • This will make it easier to edit/change rates in the future &
    • You will have more accurate Job Margins. 
Only Technicians who are certified should have this rate

Calculating the WOF rate

The rate needs to be calculated per hour and then entered into SAM
WOF Charge
(inc GST)
DurationHourly Rate
 $               75.0045 min $               100.00