Orion Version 4.020 Release Notes



Hero Features

ModuleIssue KeyDescription
WorkshopORION-13542Centralised Job Kits can be created that are centrally maintained and accessible from all departments, providing an efficient mechanism for maintaining consistent kits across multiple departments. Read the full KB here: [Orion] Centralised Job Kits
WorkshopORION-13853Centralised Materials: You can now set a master department, and all materials that are linked to this master department and are a part of an analysis group that has the auto-add feature enabled, will be able to be managed and modified from one centralised department. Read the full KB here: [Orion] Centralised Workshop Materials
ReportsORION-13702Report Optimisation: We have optimised the performance of Cashbook, Trial Balance, P&L and Balance Sheet reports for systems with larger data sets. This change will improve the loading time of these reports.



Module(s)Issue KeyDescription
PartsORION-11792When converting a Parts Quote into a Parts Invoice orders can now be automatically generated if source is set to "Order" and the Qty on Hand is insufficient.
WorkshopORION-12016The Sales by Job Kit report can now be filtered by Workshop.
MarketingORION-12506We have added Referral Source to Parts invoicing and Parts System Setup.
Marketing / Reports / VehiclesORION-13220We have implemented the Department filter in Marketing Promotions to work with follow-ups, and added a new *** 8 *** type bookmark in the template that replaces the department name and contact details, based off the last workshop invoice department for the vehicle.
CashbookORION-13237Resolved an issue where 0.01 was being wiped from Net field on Cashbook payments
CreditorsORION-13243We have added a warning to Suggested Payments when the date is set to the future, advising that payments will not be automatically credit matched.
DebtorsORION-13403Customer keycode will now display on the Debtors Receipt form.
SystemORION-13524Tab options now refresh without needing to switch modules after switching departments.
ShopifyORION-13537Payment details for Orders imported from Shopify will now go into the Order Notes and notes against the Part.
GLORION-13570We have allowed opening of CRD type postings in the P&L Report.
SystemORION-13578if something is copied and pasted into the Orion system, an ASCII (special character) validation will now trigger and remove these characters
ReportsORION-13632We have added a checkbox to exclude pages from the Management Summary report that has 0 activity.
GLORION-13686You can now filter GL codes by Department when creating Creditors Invoice.
MarketingORION-13688When sending communication from the Marketing module, we now display a progress message to indicate the procedure is processing.
SmartCheck/GemboxORION-13706We have added sectionheadername and sectionfootername tags from Smartcheck data to Gembox Prestart forms.
WorkshopORION-13730We have added a ‘Received Total’ field to denote the total received, based on cost, in Workshop Orders.
DebtorsORION-13731When a "future" payment is made for a debtor, and the future balance is negative, this will now display on the debtor statement.
GLORION-13748We have increased character limit of the file path for importing GL budgets.
ReportsORION-13777We have made the Workshop > Job Posting and Kit Listing reports available to all, these reports previously required a specific add-on.
CreditorsORION-13781Customer and Supplier "Changes Listing" will now include records of changes made when using the import tool and mrgimport tool, along with changes to keycodes and merging customers/suppliers.
CreditorsORION-13783The Creditors "Online Banking File" will generate with a unique filename per Orion system. This avoids generating banking files with the same file name, for users running more than one Orion system.
GL/ReportsORION-13785The Detailed Trial Balance Report can now display page numbers greater than 999 (new maximum is 9999).
DebtorsORION-13810We have changed the Debtor Individual Summary report to show invoice number instead of job number,
PartsORION-13822We have added the ability to send SMS to customers when viewing finalised parts invoices.
PartsORION-13823We have added the ability to create Suggested Buy using Bin Location (Parts Departments only).
EmailORION-13824We have added the ability to edit remittance message body when e-mailing to customers.
AccountsORION-13870We have created a new Debtors report "Customer Sales (Selected Period)" which extends upon the existing Customer Sales report, allowing the selection of a starting period, as well as filtering by monthly or yearly.
OrdersORION-13875When a parts stock is set to ‘print labels,’ when receiving said part, all available parts labels will be available in selection to print.
Repco Navigator InterfaceORION-13878We have updated Repco Navigator interface to support the Chrome browser. Support for IE (Internet Explorer) has been deprecated.
PartsORION-13904We have added Discount fields on the "Post Parts to Workshop Job" screen.
WorkshopORION-13916We have added Job Source as a Sort By filter in the Workshop Sales Report.
InvoiceORION-13922We have streamlined the way printing/emailing is done for Gembox forms.
SalesORION-13923We have added a checkbox to the Dealerbase setup screen, allowing you to choose whether variant details will be uploaded to the model detail field in Dealerbase.
SalesORION-13924We have added a new field called sale price on the Vehicle Maintenance > Online Database tab, which maps to the "sale price" field in Dealerbase.
SalesORION-13925Enabled delete functionality from within vehicle images in the Sales module.
GeneralORION-13929Added new default setting for email/print invoice for customers in System Setup > Customers. If set to 'Email Only', the user is forced to enter an email address upon customer creation.
SystemORION-13943In Master System Setup > Sales Cost Categories, the "hybrid" option is now able to be selected (previously access was locked from direct use).
GeneralORION-13944We have added the ability to delete/archive old suppliers in System Setup > Accounts.
SystemORION-13951Due to the potential of invalidating GST reporting, the option to change GST fields in System Setup > Accounts has been restricted to be only accessed by SAM staff on request.
GLORION-13964You can now create journals for future periods without needing to roll into that period. Warnings will display when attempting this, and these Journals will display on the Future tab.


Bug Fixes

Module(s)Issue keyDescription
OrdersORION-13098Resolved an issue where PO lines would be missing on an invoice if an invoice was released while still having it open on another terminal.
JobsORION-13725Resolved an issue where sales were disappearing from the sales history if a stock item in a job was transferred and invoiced from another department.
PartsORION-13794When posting Parts Stock to a job, you can now click the Exclusive or Inclusive heading (above pricing) to more accurately control the pricing applied, and avoid potential GST rounding issues.
JobsORION-13797Resolved an issue where GST rate would display incorrectly on a job customers with non-standard GSTs.
PartsORION-13830Resolved an issue where Search Anywhere, on the Parts Stock Transaction Listing, could sometimes cause the system to crash or freeze.
SalesORION-13831Resolved an issue where accessories would not persist on a stock item if changed on a deal.
SalesORION-13833Resolved an issue where the ordering of accessories would mix up when adding more than 8 to a sales item.
WorkshopORION-13840Resolved an issue where some job text would not appear correctly on the job if post as memo was not ticked.
PartsORION-13860Resolved an issue where Stock-on-Hand would not be returned correctly from Purchase Orders on Parts invoices.
DebtorsORION-13866Resolved an issue where customer user defined field was not aligning correctly when filtering or clicking it in the customer listing field.
InvoiceORION-13873GST is now included on card fees on the debtors screen.
WorkshopORION-13888Resolved an issue where maintaining a part on a job that had not been saved would cause some fields to become blank.
ReportsORION-13894Resolved an issue where the ‘last run date’ was not updating for the Workshop Stock Listing report.
WorkshopORION-13899Resolved an issue where updating a technician profile would sometimes cause the system to experience slow loading speeds.
PartsORION-13901Resolved an issue where adjusting the pricing for parts and changing the quantity caused wrong price to display due to a rounding issue.
PartsORION-13905We have made changes to improve the speed when selecting serialised parts on parts invoices.
EmailORION-13907Resolved an issue where email signatures would not appear when trying to send "current + invoice" statements.
Parts/QuoteORION-13910Resolved an issue where parts added to quotes which are converted to jobs would not reduce the qty on hand and would add back into stock after deletion, resulting in an incorrect on hand qty.
OrdersORION-13911We have added an empty status in the Status dropdown list on Orders, to allow users to remove/clear the status of an order.
DebtorsORION-13912Resolved an issue where sundry tax invoices were always being printed with the word ‘copy’ even when it was first time printing.
JobsORION-13930Resolved an issue where labour hours decimal values were printing incorrectly due to internal rounding.
CreditorsORION-13933Resolved a rounding issue which was causing foreign values to be incorrect.
SalesORION-13935Resolved an issue where images may not be transferred to Dealerbase in certain instances where a validation error occurred and was resolved. 
CreditorsORION-13949Resolved an issue where the modify amount button would not respond when trying to modify matched amounts
JobsORION-13976We have added the ability to modify kits in web Workshop that were initially created in Orion desktop.
JobsORION-13990Resolved an issue where unsupported characters were causing discrepancies between time clocking and the Detailed Technicians Labour report

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