What hardware / devices do I need to run Smartcheck?

SmartCheck is designed to be usable on most common smart phones, however for full details, check out the following KB article: Smartcheck - Hardware / Device Recommendations

How do I handle checks for vehicles with more axles than the checksheet allows for?

For any questions in SmartCheck that do not provide enough fields to accommodate vehicles/trailers with more axles, we recommend keying the results for the additional axles into the 'Comments' field.

While we could have added additional fields to SmartCheck and the checksheet, this would lead to more crowded fields on-screen and on reports to accommodate an uncommon scenario, to the detriment of using the system for more common axel configurations.

How do I record tyre tread depth measurements for motorcycles?

SmartCheck eWOF has 4 tyre fields (FR, FL, RR, FL), and while typically a motorcycle only has two wheels there are considerations, such as Can-Ams (two front wheel, one rear) or trikes with two rear and one front, to accommodate. For this reason only the Left Front (LF) measurement is mandatory.

So for a typical motorcycle, we recommend to enter the front tyre measurement into the LF field and the rear into LR and leave the other fields blank

For a Can-Am (2 front, 1 rear) we recommend using the LF & RF fields for the front wheels, and LR for the rear:

For a typical trike (1F, 2R) recommend using the LF for the front and RR & LR for the rear wheels: