When you create checksheets you need to define the reasons the current check has failed, so your staff can quickly select why the current test/check has failed. 

Failed Reasons are allocated to the Questions when you create the checksheet, any Failed Reasons created after you have created the Checksheet, will not be available for us within that checksheet unless you modify the checksheet and add the new Failed Reason to the available options for the question(s).

Failed Reasons

When logged in as the admin user, click Checksheets at the top then click the Failed Reasons button...

  • From here you can create New, or Modify / Delete existing reasons
  • Click on Checksheets to go back to the Checksheet listing

There are only 2 fields to complete when adding failed reasons: Reason Name and Display Order. The lower the display order number the higher it will appear in the list when answering a question.

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