This article is relevant for SAM version 6024 and above. 
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Xero batches error:

The description field is mandatory for each line item.

This is caused by a transaction not having a comment/description in a Job.

1. Find the invoice number & Transaction

The bell Icon will show a number - hopefully this is 1 - click on this to view the batches

  1. The invoice # will be in the column called "Invoice No"
  2. The transaction will be the any without a description

2. Investigate what the description should be

2.a. Find the part number or Purchase Order number 

Go to Invoice Enquiry, open the invoice - the part # will be in the Code column (A), the Purchase Order in the PO column (B)

2.c. Find the Description/Comment

In the example above:

1. The part is a stocked item and the description can be found in the Parts listing via Maintenance > Stock

In this example search for "buzz" and you see that the Description is "Buzz bar"

2. The Comment for the Ordered part can be found by opening the Purchase Order, go to Purchase Orders and search anywhere for the PO number.

NB: you may have to look in Finalised (2) as well.

In this example we had to tick Finalised

In the opened PO you will see that the ordered part "65581" has a description of  "Part2"

3. Enter the description in the unposted batch

Go back to unposted batches as per # 1 above

Double click on the Transaction & enter the Description

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