This article is relevant for SAM version 6024 and above.
Click HERE for details on how to check which version you have.


Xero Batches error:

Another contact has this contact number. Please enter a different contact number.

This could be for either Customers or Suppliers

1. Check Contact

The bell Icon will show a number - hopefully this is 1 - click on this to view the batches, then click on Check Xero Contact

2. Choose the Option

You will be presented with two options:

1.    Create New Contact in Xero

Make sure that there isn't an archived contact before using this option.

This will remove the SAM Xero GUID from within SAM - this is the ID number that links Customers/Suppliers in SAM to Contacts in Xero

!!! This cannot be re-entered !!!

Select Yes if you wish to go ahead and a new contact is created in Xero

2.    Restore Xero Customer

This is probably the better option as it will restore the archived Contact in Xero after which you can try and merge the contacts correctly.

Click on this link to find out more about archiving and restoring contacts in Xero

Warning messages

A warning message will pop up when you create a Job or Purchase Order (PO) and when you invoice a Job or PO for any contacts that have been Archived:

As per the message the Restore button will open your Xero account so you can restore the contact.

Why are we getting this message?

In our experience this happens the most when a contact has been merged into another one in Xero

If this is the case you will first need to check that the correct Contact has been merged in Xero, after this it is suggested to check if you need to merge the customers in SAM as well

Click on this link to find out how to merge customers/suppliers in SAM

Click on this link to find out more about archiving and restoring contacts in Xero

No action required but batch still wont post

Some times the batch will still not post and there will be a message "No action is required" in the Check Xero Contact window

If this happens - follow the instructions in THIS ARTICLE

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