Splitting an invoice - having two or more people pay for one job
Great for insurance work
The Split button
Once all items are posted onto a job click on Split.
Invoice Allocation Screen
In this example we will be going through how to split an invoice for an insurance company where the owner of the vehicle is paying you an excess amount of $200.00 including GST
- First Invoice Customer - This will be customer that owns the vehicle
- This will be populated already
- Second Invoice Customer - The insurance company
- This will need to be entered
- Allocate and Allocate All
- Allocate will allocate the highlighted record from the transaction list to the invoice customer
- Allocate All will allocate all transactions to the invoice customer
- This will need to be done to the Second Invoice Customer
- These columns will show you which invoice the transactions are allocated to
- Enter the Excess amount including GST here.
A. The charges in this column are Excluding GST.
NB: The Job postings screen will NOT change, you can tell if a Job has ben split by looking at the split button - if the writing is BLUE then it's been split

End Result - after invoicing.
If you have a look at the invoice listing you will see that there are two lines for one invoice (in this case 3154)
These invoices are for the same vehicle, but different customers.
Removing a Split
View the Split Allocation Screen, highlight and delete the Second Invoice Customer (1)